We Free the Stars (2021)

by Hafsah Faizal
ASIN/ISBN: 9780374311575
Publication: January 19, 2021
Series: Sands of Arawiya #2

I ended my review of We Hunt the Flame “crossing my fingers and hoping” We Free the Stars would “be similar to the last half of We Hunt the Flame.” Did it come to pass? Was it similar? Or…was it better??

It took me two months to finally open and read the second book of the Sands of Arawiya because I couldn’t contain how excited I was to find out the fate of the zumra and all of Arawiya. I kept wanting to jump to the end and that would have ruined the whole experience of the book–all nearly 600 pages of it. Once I got started on it, I practiced safe book binging by reading the first half in one sitting and taking a 4am nap before reading the rest in a second sitting. Heh…

The weight of all that has been lost and left behind haunts the beginning of the novel, but now back in the “real world,” the bonds forged through the shared experiences in Sharr continue to anchor each member of the zumra. This is especially the case for Zafira who carries an additional burden no one else understands. While the bonds appear nearly unbreakable, it’s more complicated than it appears. No longer isolated from the rest of the world, multiple forces at home threaten their success and their connections with each other.

For the two who are on the cusp of sharing something more than camaraderie, endangering their lives for the future of their country was easier than risking their hearts. I was frustrated throughout the first half of the book because of them. It’s a slow burn, but not necessarily the good kind of burn–okay, it was good and then it went on little too long so I couldn’t contain my frustration anymore. I was also conflicted. As much as I enjoy romance, there was a lot of time spent on the will they or won’t they when I was ready to spring into a little more action and prepare for battle. I was ready to go to war for Altair.

I missed Altair…a lot. I missed him and his inappropriateness, his playfulness…just about everything. Altair seemed more like comic relief throughout We Hunt the Flame, but at the end of the first book and throughout the second, it’s clear how integral he is. He is the heart of the zumra, connecting everyone to each other. His capacity for love, whether it be for the people or for his prince, moved me. His absence was terribly present. He needs to give me a hug now.

While I had mixed feelings about different aspects of the book, I enjoyed it a lot. There isn’t much recapping so I had to quickly flip through the end of We Hunt the Flame to recall some of the specifics of the ending. Similar to it’s predecessor, it does drag a bit in the beginning but builds to an exciting climax–the book will have your emotions spiraling up and down. While the romance plays a larger role than expected, there is more than enough to satisfy the reader looking for action and adventure. I won’t lie though, I don’t think it compares to the ending we were given in We Hunt the Flame, which was magnificent. However, when it ended, I clutched it to my chest, sighing with relief and contentment. The anxiety of waiting to read it was over, and it was good, nearly as good as I hoped. I wanted to cradle it and roll around from all the happy feelings it brought me. (I’m smiling just thinking about it right now…squee)

Overall, We Free the Stars is an excellent follow-up to We Hunt the Flame. It is a tome of a book so be ready to stay up all night reading it–or possibly taking a nap in between–because it’ll be difficult to stop turning the pages. Sands of Arawiya is easily one of the best duologies I’ve read.

13 responses to “We Free the Stars (2021)”

  1. I had to slightly breeze through this post because I have yet to read the first book, but knowing that you gave this one 4.5 stars makes me even more excited to dive into this world in the near future!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh no! So sorry! The duology is definitely worth the read!


  2. Wow what a review! I’ve been on the fence about whether or not to read this book but this review makes me want to read it more now 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! It’s such a great duology. I would love to hear what you think when you’re able to read it!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m glad to see you enjoyed this one. I really loved the first one but I’d been putting off reading this one because I didn’t want to be disappointed!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I completely understand how you feel! I’ve read so many sequels that don’t live up to the first book, and sort of ruin the series. I don’t think the ending is nearly as good as the first, but I would still say it was a satisfying one. Give yourself as much time as you need to read it.


  4. So glad you enjoyed this duology! It’s great when you find one you love.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad it was good too.


  5. Amani Salahudeen Avatar
    Amani Salahudeen

    Loved this one!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Me too! I didn’t realize how much I would miss Altair. And now I can’t believe it’s all over.


  6. Great review! This isn’t a series I’ve heard of and I enjoy delving into new books in this genre. I’ll have to get my hands on the first book asap!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! It really is a great duology! I hope you get a chance to read it. I’d love to hear what you think once you get your hands on them.


  7. […] ASIN/ISBN: 9780374311575Publication: January 19, 2021Series: Sands of Arawiya #2My Review […]


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