Six Degrees of Separation

Six Degrees of Separation is a meme that began with Annabel Smith and Emma Chapman and has been hosted by Kate over at Books Are My Favourite and Best since 2016. Each month a new book is chosen a starting point and linked to six other books to form a chain.

Six Degrees of Separation: March 2022

Six Degrees of Separation A meme for the first Saturday in each month. A book is chosen and you have to try to link 6 books to form a chain. This month’s starting book is The End of the Affair by Graham Greene.

Six Degrees of Separation: February 2022

Six Degrees of Separation A meme for the first Saturday in each month. A book is chosen and you have to try to link 6 books to form a chain. This month’s starting book is No One Is Talking About This by Patricia Lockwood.

Six Degrees of Separation: January 2022

Six Degrees of Separation A meme for the first Saturday in each month. A book is chosen and you have to try to link 6 books to form a chain. This month’s starting book is Rules of Civility by Amor Towles.

Six Degrees of Separation: October 2021

Six Degrees of Separation. A meme for the first Saturday in each month. A book is chosen and you have to try to link 6 books to form a chain. This month’s starting book is The Lottery by Shirley Jackson.

Six Degrees of Separation: September 2021

Six Degrees of Separation. A meme for the first Saturday in each month. A book is chosen and you have to try to link 6 books to form a chain. This month’s starting book is Second Place by Rachel Cusk.

Six Degrees of Separation: August 2021

Six Degrees of Separation A meme for the first Saturday in each month. A book is chosen and you have to try to link 6 books to form a chain. This month’s starting book is Postcards from the Edge by Carrie Fisher.

Six Degrees of Separation: July 2021

Six Degrees of Separation A meme for the first Saturday in each month. A book is chosen and you have to try to link 6 books to form a chain. This month’s starting book is Eats, Shoots and Leaves by Lynne Truss.

Six Degrees of Separation: June 2021

Six Degrees of Separation A meme for the first Saturday in each month. A book is chosen and you have to try to link 6 books to form a chain. This month’s starting book is The Bass Rock by Evie Wyld.

Six Degrees of Separation: May 2021

Six Degrees of Separation A meme for the first Saturday in each month. A book is chosen and you have to try to link 6 books to form a chain. This month’s starting book is Beezus and Ramona by Beverly Clearly